Sunday, December 22, 2019

Weight loss, I basically eat keto but with more veg than most...

Weight loss, I basically eat keto but with more veg than most...
I know that this isn’t the most amazing transformation but I feel Like you should celebrate every step in the right direction. After a year of bed rest and extreme medication including steroids and opioids.
Having over 23 operations and procedures; including 13 sinus surgeries, a hysterectomy, endometriosis removal and removing of precancer from my bowel.
I have finally returned to excercise and eating super clean the last 6/8 weeks.

This is only 10 weeks post my hysterectomy and I am doing 50 minutes on the treadmill hill climbing which equals about 6km a day 3/4 weight sessions a week and am now down from 139 kilos to 122 kilos I hope to loose another 40 kilos.
I basically eat keto but with more veg than most. And stick to unprocessed foods and not eating after dinner through to breakfast which allows my body time to reset.

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