Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Change doesn’t always have to be weight related 💕

Change doesn’t always have to be weight related 💕
2018 -> 2020 -188lbs 🖤 I haven’t lost any weight in a few months, and I actually consistently put on and lose the same 5 lbs over and over again.

I used to obsessively weigh myself everyday but was driving myself crazy with it! So I stick to like once a week now.

I’ve also been a lot less strict with my eating, splurging on treats more. But I still (for the most part lol) feel in control of my diet vs food controlling my life (like before).

Overall, I’m really happy with where I’m at in maintenance! I feel good, which is always the goal 🖤🖤

Losing weight is not only about looking better, it’s also (and maybe more) about FEELING BETTER, GETTING HEALTHIER and BEING HAPPIER… dare to take that step that will change your life.

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