Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide : Do you use up all of your lung power? :

👉 Introduction : Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide

Do you use up all of your lung power? :

Breathe deep and fill up the lower part of your lung area by extending the belly out and filling up the lower areas of your lungs. If you count your reps out loud, say, at boot camp, you may even distract yourself from the physical pain.

Do know what is "work out "pain and "injury" pain. It's great to push hard, but know the difference between the two pains.

Do you work both sides of the body? Use bi-lateral movements like squats and unilateral movement like lunges in your training program.

Do roll around. Improve recovery and muscle tissue quality by not using tools like foam rollers and stretching straps.

Do build up gradually. Make sure you increase your efforts/weights slowly especially after being off weights for some time.

Do work the "negatives" or the lengthening parts of the movement. When lengthening, do reps slow and controlled at all times work the eccentric part of the movement.

Don't do advanced routines (like you might see in a bodybuilding magazine) even when you are not advanced.

Don't go heavy especially when your muscles are still cold. I might do several light high rep sets of 20 just to get muscle groups warmed up. I use very light to moderate weight that I can do for higher reps ranges.

Don't lift too much or quickly (or add too much of a load) when you are a beginner work out exerciser.

Do it for you - you're worth it!

Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide : Do you use up all of your lung power? Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide : Do you use up all of your lung power? Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide : Do you use up all of your lung power? Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide : Do you use up all of your lung power? Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide : Do you use up all of your lung power? Work Outs, Strength Training Quick Reference Guide : Do you use up all of your lung power?

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