Wednesday, January 10, 2018

The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 2) :

The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 2)

👉 The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 1)

The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 2) :

This routine allows for each muscle group to be trained twice per week, which is what has been proven to work best for intermediate and advanced trainees. If you are training for a competition this would be the best routine for you. A 3 day version of this upper/lower split is also possible and equally effective, which is ideal for people who can only manage to work out 3 days per week or would just prefer a slightly reduced weightlifting frequency. You'd just do upper, lower, upper one week, and then lower, upper, lower the next and keep alternating like that (with 1 day off between workouts and 2 days off at the end).

Remember that routines should not be set in stone. I recommend that you change it up every month or so to see what works best for you. Variety in training promotes muscle gain. You don't need to spend hours researching routines trying to find the golden solution. Just stick with one of these and you should be fine. The main idea is to work a variety of muscles one day and let them rest the next day to prevent injury. 

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