Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I was overjoyed to find out after entering today’s weigh in number in the Mayo Clinic BMI calculator :

I was overjoyed to find out after  entering today’s weigh in number in the Mayo Clinic BMI calculator
I was overjoyed to find out after entering today’s weigh in number in the Mayo Clinic BMI calculator that after decades of being overweight and for a good portion of that, obese, keto got me in to the healthy weight zone in less than a year. I was skinny in my youth, teens and most of my 20’s, but started to put on pounds. Throughout my 30’s and 40’s, I tried various ways to lose weight - fad diets and monster workouts. I would lose (but never reach my goal) and then would slowly drift off the program and resume bad habits and everything I lost would come back PLUS 10 or more extra pounds. At around age 50, I pretty much gave up and decided I would just have to live in this plump body I’d built for myself. If I couldn’t lose weight when I was younger, I sure couldn’t do it now. On the left is a picture from vacay December 2018 - a South American cruise on which I’m sure I gained another 10 lbs.

Then my friend Becca, to whom I will be eternally grateful, introduced me to keto in such a positive way - saying how she was eating delicious and nutritious foods, was never hungry, and yet weight was just melting off. It sounded too good to be true. Yet I could see the results in her, as well as the fact that she wasn’t miserable or suffering. She encouraged me to try it and gently nudged me when I otherwise may have just continued along in my usual pattern. I started keto 2/25/19, just a bit before my 56th birthday. And here I am today, 74 lbs down and just 4 to go to reach the goal I set for myself when I started. Anyone out there on the fence about committing to the keto WOE, it WILL work if you give it your all — no matter your age or past history with yo-yo weight and diets.

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