Sunday, May 10, 2020

Weight Loss & Diet, NEVER give up on your goals!

Weight Loss & Diet, NEVER give up on your goals!
Looked for this dress half the day just so I could do this side by side 😅

I’ve honestly been waiting to do this picture for awhile. The photo on the left I was exactly 18 weeks 4 days pregnant with Jiji. Today I am exactly 18 weeks 4 days pregnant with our newest little one 🤰🏽.

I can’t tell you how FREEING it feels to be going through this pregnancy at a healthy weight, active, and properly fuelling my body (MOST of the time 😆).

Having an “I did that” moment 🙌🏾

Another day, another reminder of how far I’ve come & the reason I’m sharing this is because you can too! NEVER give up on your goals! It’s not about a weight loss, it’s about a healthy lifestyle change and accomplishing what I’ve always wanted....a stronger me, inside and out!!

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