Sunday, February 6, 2022

At-home Gravity Workout to build muscle and balance : 5 - Lunges

5 - Lunges :

Lunges are great for working all the major muscles of the hips, glutes and thighs. For beginners, you can try this move while holding onto a chair or wall for balance. Stand with right foot forward, left foot back about 3 feet apart. Hold weights in each hand if desired and bend the knees to lower the body towards the floor.

Keep the front knee behind the toes and be sure to lower straight down rather than forward. Keep the torso straight and abs in as you push through the front heel and back to starting position. Don't lock the knees at the top of the movement. Perform 1-3 sets of 8-16 reps according to your fitness level and goals. Walking lunges are a great way to tone legs without using a machine. 


👉 1 - Squats.
👉 2 - Push-ups.
👉 3 - Pull-ups.
👉 4 - Sit-ups.
👉 5 - Lunges.
👉 6 - Tuck-jump.

At-home Gravity Workout to build muscle and balance : 5 - Lunges At-home Gravity Workout to build muscle and balance : 5 - Lunges At-home Gravity Workout to build muscle and balance : 5 - Lunges At-home Gravity Workout to build muscle and balance : 5 - Lunges At-home Gravity Workout to build muscle and balance : 5 - Lunges At-home Gravity Workout to build muscle and balance : 5 - Lunges

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