Monday, February 11, 2019

11 things to know about bodybuilding : 6 - Supplements and dietary supplements of the bodybuilder :

11 things to know about bodybuilding : 6 - Supplements and dietary supplements of the bodybuilder
6 - Supplements and dietary supplements of the bodybuilder :
Among the food supplements or supplements most used by bodybuilders, we find :
• Whey, most often in the form of powder that we take in the famous shaker and that allows to have a significant protein intake.
• The gainer, a mixture of carbohydrates and proteins to increase muscle mass.
• Amino acids (BCA = LEUCINE + ISOLEUCINE + VALINE), which provide the body with proteins that it can not synthesize naturally.

• Vitamin complexes, omegas (3.9), minerals, iron.
• Isolate (slow diffusion protein to take before going to bed), not to be in muscle catabolism. This reaction occurs when the body is no longer powered and draws energy directly into the muscle.
• L-Carnitine, which helps to speed up metabolism and burns more calories.
Be careful, do not confuse doping products and food supplements! These are made from authorized and controlled ingredients.

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