Saturday, April 27, 2019

Bodybuilding supplements to protect yourself Vitamins, Casein to facilitate recovery :

Bodybuilding supplements to protect yourself Vitamins, Casein to facilitate recovery
Casein to facilitate recovery :
Casein is also a protein derived from dairy products very useful to fitness enthusiasts. By releasing amino acids very slowly in your body, it is the ideal supplement to take before going to sleep to facilitate your recovery, and thus muscle retention (because it is the night that develop your muscles). The main difference with whey is their digestion time, much longer for the second. This makes them complementary products that you simply will not take at the same time of the day.

This extremely complete protein source exists in two main forms:

- micellar casein, which is the most popular because the slowest to digest. It is also the most expensive and least palatable form (since it is less soluble).
- casein hydrolisate which after a pre-digestion, is absorbed faster by the body.

The main benefit of casein is that it helps your body metabolize protein just when your body is asking for it. Without casein, he may turn to your muscle tissue to find the energy he needs. This is called catabolism, which results in a breakdown of your muscles, reducing your efforts to nothing. Casein also helps maintain your leucine level in the blood, and therefore boost your anabolic state, even at rest.

Result: it is a very popular supplement among bodybuilders. Studies have even shown that supplementation with casein in athletes allows a muscle mass gain twice as fast, but also to melt their fat mass, which makes them a very good ally in dry season, but also weight gain.
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