Friday, July 12, 2019

The Top 10 Weight Loss Secrets : 6. COMMITMENT

The Top 10 Weight Loss Secrets : 6. COMMITMENT

In order to achieve weight loss success, you must commit to your program. After deciding on your specific requirements and choosing a diet and exercise regime, you must COMMIT to your program, and you must commit 100%.

Know that if you've taken the previous steps, then your success is guaranteed if you commit to the program. If you lose 1lb in a week, you have proven to yourself that YOU HAVE THE ABILITY to lose weight.

You have chosen a path that works, and hopefully it's one you can maintain as away of life, and one that meets your specific needs. Your ability to lose 1lb in a week, transfers into 52lbs in a year, and 104 lbs in two years, and so on and so on.

No matter how much weight you have to lose, YOU CAN DO IT! But you must first commit to the program. You must say to yourself, that no matter what, you will follow through on your commitment, and follow the path you have chosen, until you reach your goal. Commit to your program!


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