Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Weight Loss: Stay focused on health and well being, not on becoming thin

Stay focused on health and well being, not on becoming thin :

Many people become more successful at long-term weight loss when their motivation changes from wanting to be thinner to wanting to be healthier. Change your mindset to think about selecting foods that will help your body's health rather than worrying about foods that will affect your body's weight. In fact, consider your whole lifestyle from the viewpoint of being and staying healthy.

So, what are we talking about?

Variety. To help your levels of patience and perseverance, To help you achieve your goals, make sure you get enough variety in your new eating regime. Thought through properly, variety also maintains levels of nutrition and taste.

Adopting a new eating regime that promotes weight loss must include lowering your total calorie intake. But decreasing calories doesn't mean giving up taste or satisfaction. One way you can lower your calorie intake is by eating more plant-based foods - fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Strive for variety to help you achieve your goals without giving up taste or nutrition.

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