Saturday, November 28, 2020

Proper Planning For Weight Loss Success (Part 2) :

Proper Planning For Weight Loss Success (Part 2)

👉 Proper Planning For Weight Loss Success (Part 1)

Proper Planning For Weight Loss Success (Part 2) :

Once you've decided how long your program will be (or how many programs you may need), the next most important planning step is the actual diet. No matter which guru you choose to follow, the best advice is to write down your eating plan before you start. Do not start your weight loss program without a written map to follow or you will veer off the course. Whether you're eating three pre-made microwave meals plus a delicious shake, counting points with an app on your phone or following a bite by bite menu, write it down before executing. Writing down your diet menu will take all the guesswork out of what to eat, when and how much. While this step may take some time to accomplish, if your plan is correctly put together with the right foods and quantities, it will nearly guarantee your success.

For consistent weight loss, it's important you eat the same amount of calories each day. Flying by the seat of your pants and eating different foods every day can easily cause erratic calorie intake and make it harder to lose body fat. A written diet plan will ensure your calories stay consistent. This also makes it easier to raise or lower your calories as you need so you can control your weight loss. If you're eating too many calories and need to cut back, a written diet plan will help you decide which foods (and how much) to reduce. Keeping a written log of your eating will also help you stay mentally strong on your program. If you're committed to eating only the foods written on your diet plan, this will keep your mind from wandering into craving goodies that will derail your efforts. A good written plan may also serve well as an accurate shopping list. After following your written nutrition plan meticulously for a period of time, you will soon have it memorized but until you do, you should keep it by your side every time you prepare and/or eat a meal.

👉 Proper Planning For Weight Loss Success (Part 3)

↪ Share Your Weight Loss Story


Lisa Jones said...

its looks sound....for ladies...

Plasma22 said...

If you're starting a weight loss journey, talk to your doctor about your health conditions and healthy ... It is important for losing weight and maintaining good health. ... Your weight loss plan should be safe and successful...