Sunday, January 10, 2021

Women and Weightlifting example Nataliya Kuznetsova (Part 2) :

Women and Weightlifting example Nataliya Kuznetsova (Part 2)
👉 Women and Weightlifting example Nataliya Kuznetsova (Part 2)

Women and Weightlifting example Nataliya Kuznetsova (Part 1) :

Whats the source for burning calories? Your metabolism right? During aerobic training, you only burn the most calories during that workout session and your metabolism usually slows down there after. With weightlifting on the other hand, not only do you burn calories while you lift, but your body continues to burn calories hours and hours after your workout is over. When your muscle fibers break down while lifting, it takes energy to rebuild these muscles. And what energy is your body using? Yep, calories. Lots and lots of calories.

So even when your asleep, your body is still burning calories. Thats the higher advantage weight lifting has over any other aerobic exercise. Don't get me wrong, aerobic exercises does promote your metabolism to burn more calories just not as effective as anaerobic training would. Dont worry about getting massively huge, you can adjust the amount of weight and reps you perform and sculpt the way you want your body to look.

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