Support grip is the most widely used type of grip; it is used so often every day of your life that it has become second nature to you. Pub night on a Thursday? Why not train your grip while you are at it - pick up that beer and hold it by your side; your mind can now focus its attention on all the smooth lines you are going to tell that lady across the bar; while across on the other side she is sipping her martini hoping he is not looking at her. Support grip does just that, it supports whatever it is you are holding. If holding onto a dumbbell while curling is causing you trouble then a weak support grip is the main culprit. Okay - so you have never seen anyone struggle holding a dumbbell while they curl - how about this one? How many times have you seen someone deadlift using straps? Lifting straps are an excellent tool to use in your training; they allow you to move weight your grip cannot hold onto. However, all too often lifters begin using straps prematurely and are neglecting their grip. In the grand scheme of things:
You cannot lift what you cannot hold!
That right there should be the reason to start working on your support grip. Want to know what the best part of support grip training is? You do not need to focus on the training - kind of. Go about doing the exercises you normally do: deadlifts, walking lunges, farmers walks, shrugs - dumbbell and barbell and pull-ups (lots and lots of pull-ups).
Revolutionary, isn't it? What I do require of you is to try to use the weakest hand positions first and move onto tougher positions when your grip gives out. Below I outline the hierarchy of grips: start with number 1 for as heavy as possible and move onto the stronger positions when the weight becomes too heavy.
1. Double Overhand
2. Hook Grip*
3. Mixed Grip
4. Double Overhand with lifting straps
*Hook grip can be very painful on the thumbs so you can skip this and move on to Mixed Grip
To make all these grips more effective you will need to invest in lifting chalk - for a couple of dollars you will be shocked at how much stronger your grip becomes. Most fitness supply stores should carry lifting chalk, unfortunately they are overpriced - visit a camping or outdoor equipment store and check the rock climbing section; climbing chalk is the same as lifting chalk but at a fraction of the cost. Sweaty hands are a thing of the past. Lifting chalk or the technical name, Magnesium Carbonate absorbs the moisture from our palms and allows for a nice steady grip.
Want even more of a challenge? Try doing your pulling exercises on a fat bar - this will bring you Support Grip you never knew existed.
Want even more of a challenge? Try doing your pulling exercises on a fat bar - this will bring you Support Grip you never knew existed.
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