Friday, November 26, 2021

The 3 Phase Muscle Building Program :

In a proper muscle building guide program - where the main goal is to put on as much muscle as possible while maintaining low levels of body fat... you are better off to do it over 13 weeks.

In other words you would have three phases. (This is very similar to the P90X nutrition program)

Phase 1:

In this phase of the Daniel Craig James Bond workout -- you would consume 50% of your calories from a high protein source -- 30% from complex carbohydrates and 20% from unsaturated fats.

(To determine how many calories you should consume there is a very simple formula to follow. More about this in a minute.)

Phase 2:

To get ripped and muscular as in the Daniel Craig James Bond workout in this phase -- you would need to modify your ratios we would switch to 40% of your calories from a high protein source -- 40% from complex carbohydrates -- 20% from unsaturated fats. In this phase we would be more aggressive in our resistance training workout.

That's the reason for an increase in carbohydrates--so we will have plenty of energy to use more weight or resistance than in phase 1.

Phase 3:

By the way since I forgot to mention... Each phase lasts for four weeks with the fifth week being a recovery period. On this week you will do no resistance training whatsoever but would continue doing cardio 5 times a week.

The third phase has to be earned -- in fact if you have more body fat you should continue with the phase 1 ratios and not go to the phase 2 or three ratios. The Daniel Craig James Bond workout final phase should consist of a ratio of 20% from protein -- 60% carbohydrates -- and finally 20% from unsaturated fats.

While training and bodybuilding are important in the long run it is your diet that will determine how muscular and ripped you look. During the 90 days-- try to use as much resistance as possible while utilizing proper form in all your exercises.

 The 3 Phase Muscle Building Program The 3 Phase Muscle Building Program The 3 Phase Muscle Building Program The 3 Phase Muscle Building Program The 3 Phase Muscle Building Program The 3 Phase Muscle Building Program

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