Monday, February 28, 2022

How to Avoid Becoming an Unattractive Gym Rat :

How you can discover that someone is a "gym rat"? They are big and bulky and very dedicated to lifting heavy weights. Regardless of the fact that they have probably a lot of fat on their abs, they literally run to the bar after a workout an drink after-workout shake.

Their goal at the beginning was probably to look better, be more confident. But this goal has evolved into building a bigger body and lift more than anybody else in the gym.

Despite the fact that these guys and women don't attend any bodybuilding or power lifting competitions they are in the gym pretty much every day and sometimes they are able to make two workout routines per day. The idea is building better looking body of course, but there are certain limits to it.

True is that you can be addicted to the gym. Fact is that most of the guys and women are. Are you?

There is a simple test.

Don't go to the gym for week or two, just relax instead (it can do you only good, in reality your strength might even increase) and if you feel crazy after first day or two that means you've developed an addiction.
Is true that you go to the gym to look better.

So, what is the lesson today?
Don't build your life around gym; make it the other way around. Life first, gym second.
You can build good looking body without spending your life in the gym.

How to Avoid Becoming an Unattractive Gym Rat How to Avoid Becoming an Unattractive Gym Rat How to Avoid Becoming an Unattractive Gym Rat How to Avoid Becoming an Unattractive Gym Rat How to Avoid Becoming an Unattractive Gym Rat How to Avoid Becoming an Unattractive Gym Rat

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