Monday, February 10, 2020

Problems That Can Destroy Your Weight Loss Efforts :

Problems That Can Destroy Your Weight Loss Efforts
Weight loss motivation is a BIG problem especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. The problem can just seem IMPOSSIBLE. How do you get the motivation to start your weight loss plan and more importantly to stick to it?

This 7 part series will help you to overcome the 7 most damaging problems faced by people trying to stick to a weight loss plan and offer the solutions that allowed me to break free of the weight loss plateau.

PROBLEMS! PROBLEMS! PROBLEMS! They are all around us in life and we overcome them everyday but it is amazing how a problem as personal and close to our hearts as our size can cloud our thinking.

Do you respond with fear and anxiety? Also feelings of self blame and inadequacy? You would not be alone. Many of us don't know where to begin to find the weight loss motivation that we need to succeed.

How do you respond to your weight? There are:

- Those who start a weight loss solution that is too severe and quit within a few days
- Those who blame themselves for their weight problem and sink further and further into low self esteem
- Those who starve themselves believing that this is the best solution to the problem

None of these approaches work. They are NOT solutions, just problems in themselves. The good news?

They are problems that can be overcome with the right attitude and information.

How do we get the right attitude? It requires a change of thinking which can be quite threatening at first. It doesn't mean your prior ideas are a sign of failure. It is actually a sign of success to quit out of strength and let go of ideas that are not leading you to the success that you desire.

As the old saying goes "If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you've always got". There is no weight loss secret. Change your strategy and you are giving yourself the opportunity to escape the weight loss plateau and succeed.

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