Thursday, February 14, 2019

What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1) :

3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1) :
Fractional high intensity training is a great way to lose weight quickly and effectively, thanks to its direct action on metabolism  indeed, this method stimulates the increase of basic metabolism, not only during the session, which already promotes weight loss, but also at rest, up to 24 hours after completion of exercise. We are talking about an increase in the order of 6 to 15%.

This phenomenon, known as the afterburn effect, or EPOC effect (Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption), refers to the length of time during which the body, seeking to regain its pre-exercise oxygen levels, continues to expend energy and burn the fat necessary for this recovery. Indeed, the intensity of a HIIT training is such that the body's demand for O2 is greater than the athlete's ability to breathe and assimilate it;
What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1) What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1) What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1) What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1) What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1) What are the advantages of H.I.I.T ? 3. The EPOC effect, for rapid weight loss (Part 1)

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