Sunday, December 30, 2018

Is it true? The heavier you lift, the muscles get bigger :

Is it true? The heavier you lift, the muscles get bigger
Is it true? The heavier you lift, the muscles get bigger.
I do 5x5 for some exercises. Specially on compound movements. What can you say about this? Any advise or suggestions will accepted. Thanks in advance.

Sort of yes. The heavier you lift, the stronger you will get. In turn, you will get bigger muscles. If you don’t care about strength and just want a nice physique. The way to go is to do hypertrophy training. This is all about (time under tension) or slowing each rep down. Instead of 2-3 secs. You want to be 6-9 secs for each rep. The IDEAL way to train is a mix of both types of training. Also mixing heavy weights with hypertrophy lifts will help you break through plateaus you most likely will reach. 🙂

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