Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Bodybuilding after 40 years, The inventory of fixtures (Part 4) :

Bodybuilding after 40 years, The inventory of fixtures (Part 4)
Bodybuilding after 40 years, The inventory of fixtures (Part 4) :

In any case, before embarking on the reconquest of one's body, it is crucial to make an uncompromising assessment of the situation. For physical activity to really be a factor of health and not an accelerator or an indicator of physiological insufficiency, it is important to eliminate the "risk factors" associated with physical inactivity: high blood pressure, "bad cholesterol", overdose of tobacco and alcohol, excess weight...

These risk factors can be directly observed by the subject if he or she does not cheat with his or her conscience, but they must be supplemented by a thorough medical examination by a doctor preferably competent in sports matters. The main focus of this check-up should be on checking the heart, the main target of modern life's aggressions.

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