Sunday, March 10, 2019

Strength training for women : 1. Why endurance training (cardio) is not enough :

In gyms, women often forgo free weights and strength devices in favor of cardio machines. But the key to a firm, sculpted body is strength training.
With its share of 22%, muscle mass accounts for almost a quarter of our daily energy metabolism. Muscles are therefore the best weapon to fight excess pounds and cellulite. Consuming extra calories even at rest, they increase the basal metabolic rate. This leads to a lasting burning of fat.

Strength training does not only produce a precious muscle mass, it also ensures the maintenance of muscles. A simple endurance training (cardio) combined with a reduced calorie diet can create a calorie deficit and therefore long-term weight loss, but also the melting of muscles.

1 - 1 . The melting of muscle mass reduces the energy requirement of the body that often persists after weight loss
Strength training for women : 1. Why endurance training (cardio) is not enough
Strength training for women : 1. Why endurance training (cardio) is not enough
Strength training for women : 1. Why endurance training (cardio) is not enough
Strength training for women : 1. Why endurance training (cardio) is not enough
Strength training for women : 1. Why endurance training (cardio) is not enough

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