Friday, April 5, 2019

Female bodybuilders and fitness women (Part 1) :

It is necessary to shock the muscle by a training "very hard" but, throughout the day, it is necessary to take care to bring all the necessary nutriments to the catch of muscle and to the definition of the muscular mass.
You must adjust your diet to obtain a protein intake (red meat, white meat, eggs, fish, dairy products ...) carbohydrates (pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, green vegetables, pulses, ...) not to mention lipids (fats such as olive or nut oils, oilseeds ...).

After that, you need a restful rest to allow the muscles to develop (about 7 hours of sleep at least accompanied by a nap of 1 hour if necessary) Each muscle group must have at least 3 days of recovery before the next training).
It must be understood that the body is based on:

    - the development of muscle mass
    - the harmony of this development as well as the symmetry
    - the muscular definition
Female bodybuilders and fitness women (Part 2)
Female bodybuilders and fitness women (Part 1)
Female bodybuilders and fitness women (Part 1)
Female bodybuilders and fitness women (Part 1)
Female bodybuilders and fitness women (Part 1)
Female bodybuilders and fitness women (Part 1)

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