Friday, October 11, 2019

Eight Great Weight Loss Tips : Weight loss tip #2: Make 1 small healthy change that you can live with today!

Eight Great Weight Loss Tips : Weight loss tip #2: Make 1 small healthy change that you can live with today!
↪ Weight loss tip #1: Don't go On a Diet!
Weight loss tip #2: Make 1 small healthy change that you can live with today! For me, that was cutting out sugary sodas and other sugary drinks. A typical regular can of soda has about 140-170 calories. Two of those per day equals 280-340 calories a day, or about ¾ lb weight loss per week if you were maintaining your weight before that change (see weight loss tip #6).

What do you drink instead? Cold water!!! Not only is water healthy, one once of cold water will burn one calorie when your body heats is up. So, drinking the recommended 64-96 oz. of water per day could equal up to 96 extra calories burned (depending on how much cold water you drank before).

It doesn't have to be sugary drinks. It could be cutting out desserts, or limiting them to once or twice a week from every day. Try replacing one un-healthy snack per day with a healthier one. You pick one that you can stick to (but start drinking more water anyway).
↪ Weight loss tip #3: Eat breakfast!

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