Sunday, June 13, 2021

Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1) :

Many women engage in weight training and bodybuilding exercises because they like the challenges of the sport and want to obtain the great benefits of this form of fitness exercise. This type of exercise can be performed with weight training machines, free weights or body weight exercises. When done properly, which is to say in a high intensity fashion, women will find it to be just as beneficial and just as demanding as it is for men.

Traditionally weight training, strength training and bodybuilding was an area that was dominated by men. This has completely changed in the last few decades. With the tremendous fitness boom that started in the 1970s, women as well as men have benefited from regular exercise. Weight training and strength training for women has gained tremendously in popularity but some women still are reluctant to perform this very helpful method of exercise.

One of the main benefits of muscle strength training is that you build more muscle which leads to burning more fat. With women this does not mean large increases in muscle mass but simply stronger and firmer muscles. Many women mistakenly believe that developing stronger muscles with high intensity exercise will yield unwanted results such as larger and bulkier muscles and an unfeminine body structure. It is unfortunate that his fallacy prevents many from engaging in strength training for women.

It is ironic but the very result that most women desire is achieved by the type of exercise that many women avoid. The vast majority of women will state that reducing their body fat level is one of their primary fitness goals. By making the major muscle groups stronger, a woman will be increasing her metabolic rate which means more calories are being used at all times. Active (stronger) muscle tissue simply burns more calories. Strength training and building stronger muscles will increase the metabolism which will result in a reduction of body fat. High intensity training, when done properly, will have a tremendous effect in this area. Maximum benefit will result when proper exercise technique and a high intensity effort is performed.The bottom line is that when you build more muscle you also burn off more fat.

👉 Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1)

Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1) Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1) Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1) Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1) Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1) Why Women Should Perform Strength Training Workouts (Part 1)

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