Thursday, August 19, 2021

Muscle Up, The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training for Women :

Women's strength training offers benefits to your health that might not be immediately obvious. There are a number of reasons that some women don't embrace it the same way they do aerobic or cardio training. In fact, there are some females that believe it is only for men for fear that they might turn out with the physique of a bodybuilder. The truth is, the benefits of women's strength training are more than just building muscle mass to large proportions.

• Firstly, improved muscle tone and appearance - remember, women don't have the testosterone levels that will result in building large muscle mass. Busy women who have 30 minutes per week to participate in a hard strength training session will enjoy a body that appears thinner and in better condition.

• Strength training affects the body's ability to burn fat more efficiently, which can lead to long-term fat loss. Since your metabolism burns fat more efficiently, you will also experience increased energy levels. Your metabolism will remain elevated and you will continue to burn fat for several hours after you have exercised.

• You'll also notice increased flexibility, besides the increased physical strength and endurance capability. Your muscular system is what supports your posture and your joints, and as you age, you will be capable of staying more active, as well as fighting off osteoporosis and arthritis or restriction of movement.

• While you will enjoy better cardio strength because your heart is more capable of pumping oxygen-rich blood to all of your organs, you will also enjoy psychological benefits from the release of endorphins, such as dopamine and serotonin, which are known to improve your mood and fight depression.

• You have probably heard that muscle weighs more than fat, but the real benefits of women's strength training can explain this belief because muscle is denser than fat, so you consume less space with a firmer, tighter body, but you might actually weigh more. If you stand two people beside each other who weigh the same, the one with more muscle will appear to be thinner - the most appealing of the benefits to all women!

So to ensure you are getting the most from your strength training programme what foods should you be eating?

I usually recommended eating a well-balanced, but light, meal about an hour before your workout.. While carbohydrates turn to sugar, timing your protein and carbohydrate intake can result in more effective muscle growth and help you avoid the highs and lows that cause cravings. For this reason, I often recommend a high protein, high carbohydrate shake or meal right after an intense workout, along with plenty of water to re-hydrate.

There are experts that say that high intensity, low repetition exercise can increase muscle mass and it can prevent the metabolic slowdown that occurs from a decreased calorie intake on a weight loss diet. For this reason, your strength training plan should be combined with a healthy eating plan to guarantee the best health and weight loss.

Muscle Up, The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training for Women Muscle Up, The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training for Women Muscle Up, The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training for Women Muscle Up, The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training for Women Muscle Up, The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training for Women Muscle Up, The Hidden Benefits of Strength Training for Women

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