There are lots of exercise and workout routines for abs that has been researched, tested and quarreled over by many fitness experts and bodybuilders over the years. Despite these difference of opinions, all of these so called experts agree on the fact that the best abs workout routine gives a person increase in strength; in additional to a gorgeous looking stomach. By doing these exercise regime, you will have your dream abs faster than any other abs workout routine out there.
Below are the recommended abs exercises for both men and women - from the easiest to the hardest routine. Women are advised to just halve the required repetitions to avoid overtaxing their body.
- Normal sit up.
- Twisted sit ups.
- Crunches.
- Side bends.
- Advanced rotation crunch.
- Lower stomach and vertical leg raise.
In additional to the above workout regime, try these helpful tips to help maximize and increase the chance of getting your best possible six pack abs:
1. Train on an empty stomach as this allows your body to burn its own fats instead of carbohydrates from food.
2. Warm up by doing cardio exercise. You will be able to get better contraction on your abs during workout.
3. In between sets, flex and contract your abs because it helps define your abs more than usual.
4. Take rest in between sets for only 1 minute or less.
5. Focus on your diet. Eat only nutritious food and avoid junk foods at all cost.
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