Sunday, January 2, 2022

Best Way To Gain Muscle Fast : 2 - Compound Lifts

2 - Compound Lifts :

This is of most importance, guys. You need to understand, that there are two types of lifts you can do at a gym. Compound lifts and isolation lifts.

Compound lifts, like squat, dead lift, bench press and row build muscle. Isolation lifts, like biceps curls, wrist curls, crunches, hamstring curls DO NOT BUILD MUSCLE. OK, they do build muscle, but it is insignificant. DO NOT BOTHER with isolation exercises, until you gain some real muscle by doing compound lifts.


👉 There are only four exercises that build muscle fast

👉 1 - Progressive resistance
👉 2 - Compound Lifts
👉 3 - Calorie intake manipulation
👉 4 - Powerful mindset


Best Way To Gain Muscle Fast : 2 - Compound Lifts Best Way To Gain Muscle Fast : 2 - Compound Lifts Best Way To Gain Muscle Fast : 2 - Compound Lifts Best Way To Gain Muscle Fast : 2 - Compound Lifts Best Way To Gain Muscle Fast : 2 - Compound Lifts Best Way To Gain Muscle Fast : 2 - Compound Lifts

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