Friday, March 4, 2022

How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 1) :

What are the fastest six pack abs -- the kind of abdominal muscles that show -- and how quickly can you expect to get them?

Rome wasn't built in a day. The good news is that there are positive steps that you can take to get you on the road to developing a set of six pack abs within a month.

The first word to remember is: aerobics. Research done at the University of Washington suggests that aerobic's reduces fat fastest in the abdomen.

This is good news for many people, because this is exactly where many of us tend to store excess weight. In the study, men in an intensive aerobics program lost 20 percent of the fat around their waistline, almost twice the amount lost in the arms and legs. Other studies have found that the places where we tend to put on fat first (once again, the waistline) are the same places where we tend to take it off first.

It is a mistake to try to combat weight almost exclusively by diet. If you do this, it is like tying one hand behind your back in your battle to gain and develop those ripped six pack abs. On the plus side, a strict "starvation diet" is also not necessary. In fact, it may even be harmful. A heavy diet can signal to the body that it is in starvation mode and so must hold onto more calories.

The best results come from aerobics combined with weight lifting. Weight training builds muscle, which is more metabolically active than fat. This means that muscle can burn calories even when you are sitting around watching TV -- provided you aren't also hitting the munchies at the same time. If you gained 3-5 pounds of muscle, you could burn dozens of extra calories a day simply by sitting still.

Admittedly, it is harder for women to gain muscle than men, something that will come as no great disappointment to most women. The fears of some women that they are going to end up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger if they enter a weight room are quite unfounded. Moreover, what muscle women do gain tends to add to their curvaceousness and appearance of femininity rather than detract from it.

👉 How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 2)

How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 1) How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 1) How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 1) How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 1) How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 1) How Can You Get the Fastest Six Pack Abs Possible? (Part 1)

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