Best Core Exercises for Core Strength Training Workouts and Fitness : - Female bodybuilders

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Best Core Exercises for Core Strength Training Workouts and Fitness :

Best Core Exercises for Core Strength Training Workouts and Fitness
There are hundreds of muscles in the core of the body - the abs (all layers), lower to mid back, upper pelvic region, the obliques and the world famous 'love handles' areas are loaded with muscles of all different sizes, shapes, lengths and angles - which require specific core exercises to produce the desired core strength training effect.

What is amazing is, these core muscles are all so close together, some of which are layered - meaning muscle behind muscle. And if all of these core muscles are worked out properly with the right exercise program and workouts - it is not a question of "Will I be able to get a great core?" but a question of "When will I have my great core?"

Unlike 97% of core fitness workouts that are in existence, the best core workout, is designed to provide a training stimulus to every single muscle in the body's core a with the right exercises.

The upper, middle and lower core - the love handles - the obliques - the lower and mid back areas (avoiding these will not only prevent you from ever getting killer abs, but can lead to serious injury - this happens EVERY DAY to people who try to exercise without proper guidance - & it is one the reasons why physical therapists are so busy!)

The best core workout does not rely on big expensive fitness machines or silly exercise gadgets.

It does rely on the body itself, its natural movement patterns and how the muscles of the body work in relation to gravity. This means the ideal core workout can be done anywhere, anytime.

A big mistake many people, even trainers, make is to mimic the core routines of bodybuilders or powerlifters. The problem with that is most people are not bodybuilders or powerlifters - and these people tend to overtrain anyway (I know this because I used to do it myself!). The problems here range from a lot of wasted time to serious, long term injuries.

The proper core workout must be designed to provide the most effective exercise training stimulus to the ENTIRE midsection and core, in the shortest amount of time (because we are all very busy people, right?), with minimal risk of injury. The problem is, it is extremely rare to find an ab/core workout routine that fits all of these criteria.

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