Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout:

1) A variety of carefully chosen core exercises that provide the ENTIRE midsection and core with the proper stimulus to become lean, defined, flat, strong and solid.

2) A certain number of specific exercises responsible for creating the lines which form 'the Six Pack' look AND uncovering that toned core by pushing your metabolism into fat burning mode.

3) Several functional/core moves that create the diagonal muscle ripples along the side ribcage areas.

4) Targeted exercises that zero in on 'the love handles' to slim them down if they hold extra fat, or firm them up if you want more sexy muscle definition in the core area.

5) Fast core workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime, in a total of 15 to 25 minutes.

6) Core exercises that are appropriate for both men and women.

7) A truly effective core workout should not kill the person doing it. Many trainers, and fitness enthusiasts, do not understand that the word 'killer' (as in killer ab routine) is used as a figure of speech which actually means 'high quality workout that yields amazing results'. No back injuries, no hernias, and no six days worth of soreness.

8) Seek improvements ranging from cosmetic to enhanced performance in regular daily activities, sports and athletics and of course, love making (sexual performance).

9) An assortment of core exercises, combined to create an equal and physiologically necessary, balance on EVERY side of the abs and core to give your body that V-shaped look.

10) Specific exercises, derived from injury rehab programs,which strengthen and tone the deepest layers of the abs & core and most sensitive muscles of the lower back region - to get rid of most common aches and pains and keep you injury free and super-hero strong.

These are the exact principles I follow when training my personal, one-on-one clients AND they are the same principles I follow in my own core strength training workout program. Structure your own core workouts according to the principles outlined above, with the proper selection of core exercises for undeniable results.

Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout Here is a list of what you should focus on when planning your ideal core workout

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