Wednesday, January 17, 2018

The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 4) :

The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 4)

👉 The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 3)

The BEST Weightlifting Routines for Men and Women - Bodybuilding Basics (Part 4) :

How many reps to build muscle?

Doing 1-6 reps per set is best for increasing strength.
Doing 5-12 reps per set is best for building muscle.
Doing 10-20 reps per set is best for improving muscular endurance.

1-20 reps per set can serve some type of purpose in weightlifting. However, this could be narrowed down quite a bit based on your specific goal. The majority of people most likely going to want to build muscle and should do between 5-12 reps per set.

Basic Strength Training Program

Strength training of a moderate intensity, sufficient to develop and maintain fat-free weight, should be an integral part of an adult fitness program. The following are example exercises for a basic strength training program:

Bench Press
Lat Pulldown
Overhead Press
Bicep Curl
Tricep Pulldown
Leg Extension
Leg Curl
Abdominal Crunch

Additional Exercises:

Chest: Dumbbell Fly, Butterfly's, Incline/Decline Press, Pushup, Wall Pushup
Back: Seated Row, One Arm Dumbbell Row, Pullups
Shoulder: Lateral Dumbbell Raise, Front Dumbbell Raise, Upright Row, Bent-over Flys
Biceps: Hammer Curls, Pull-ups
Triceps: Tricep Extensions (Kickbacks), Dips
Quadriceps: Lunges, Leg Press
Hamstrings: Straight Leg Dead Lift
Calves: Calf Raise
Legs: Hip Abduction, Hip Adduction

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