Thursday, April 29, 2021

Does Listening to Music While You Exercise Make You Stronger?

Music helps motivate. Period. Why do you think aerobic trainers use fast-paced music during aerobic and exercise classes? Because it pumps you up. It motivates you, it gives you a sense of rhythm within yourself. As an added bonus, you can even consider that you're just dancing intensely as opposed to working out strenuously. Instructors use music as an ergogenic aid and have been since the introduction of aerobic dance in the early 1970's.

What effect does music have on your heart rate and respiration? This has been of particular interest to researchers for years due to the importance of physical fitness and disease prevention. The cardiac responses while doing aerobics to music are outstanding. Why are scientists so intrigued about music and working out? Simply put, the value of controlling respiratory activity is of particular interest because it can assist in treatment of different heart and artery conditions.

What does this mean? Well, it would appear that mild or slow music can actually hinder your performance and training ability quite drastically. This research has to be taken into consideration that there are no other published studies on music type and performance. What can a personal trainer take from just this study alone? Be very wise with your choice of workout environment with a client. For your client's benefit, your best choices would be no music or high-tempo music.

In conclusion, if you don't already plug those ear-buds into your ear before you hit the weights or go for that run, you should consider it. Research has proven that beneficial strength and performance gains are more than possible when your workout is accompanied by music. Load up that iPod, iphone... with your favorite songs and hit the gym. You just might be surprised by the results you see when working out to music. Be sure to listen to music you actually like. Whether it be 50 Cent, Fallout Boy, or Queen - light those ear drums up with some happiness.

Does Listening to Music While You Exercise Make You Stronger? Does Listening to Music While You Exercise Make You Stronger? Does Listening to Music While You Exercise Make You Stronger? Does Listening to Music While You Exercise Make You Stronger? Does Listening to Music While You Exercise Make You Stronger?

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