Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set : 4 - Goal setting

4 - Goal setting :

Before any Olympic medal can be won, world record time set or perfect performance displayed, the desire to achieve these great feats has to be nurtured. After all, only by having goals do we feel the need to take the action necessary to succeed in the first place. However, it is also true to say that in order to have any chance of success, the ambition that you have in your mind must be clearly defined and focused on. This is because a simple whim decided upon one morning without any real thought will be abandoned as quickly and as easily as it appeared.

Sports psychologists have now proven that to in order to succeed, a goal has to be clearly identified, measured and broken down into smaller more manageable targets. This process has since been labelled "the three rules of goal setting".


👉 Introduction : Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set
👉 1 - Positive thinking.
👉 2 - Keep an exercises and diet journal.
👉 3 - Visualization.
👉 4 - Goal setting.
👉 5 - Know exactly what your goal is.
👉 6 - Always be realistic.
👉 7 - Break down the goals.
👉 8 - Self belief.
👉 9 - Photos.
👉 10 - Go back to see the future.
👉 11 - The Mind set summary.

Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set : Goal setting Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set : Goal setting Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set : Goal setting Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set : Goal setting Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set : Goal setting Abs Training, Why You Need the Right Mind Set : Goal setting

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