Monday, March 21, 2022

When doing bent-over movements, are barbell rows a better choice than dumbbell rows?

When doing bent-over movements, are barbell rows a better choice than dumbbell rows?

Question : 

When doing bent-over movements, are barbell rows a better choice than dumbbell rows?

Reply : 

Any way you choose, the bent-over row is a landmark exercise for building an awesome back. During the dumbbell row, you can concentrate on one side of your body while you support your body with the other arm. During the barbell row, you focus on the entire back and rely on stabilising muscles such as your erectors, abs, glutes and legs for support. Mixing the two into your routine is a win-win situation.

When it comes to bent-over rowing, many movements can do the job quite well. Why not try a Smith machine or a T-bar version? If you choose the method you're most comfortable with, you're more likely to stick to it each workout. But don't forget to incorporate different methods workout-to-workout to keep your training fresh.

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