Sunday, November 4, 2018

Why can't you build muscle by working out? You don't have enough amplitude :

Why can't you build muscle by working out? You don't have enough amplitude
You don't have enough amplitude :
When it comes to leg training, whether in the squat, hack squat or thigh press, we always find the same question: is a full range of motion the sinequanone condition for muscle development?
The answer is yes. Those who practice squat only in partial amplitude deprive themselves of a muscular development that would be very beneficial to them. With partial squats, the buttocks, hamstrings, adductors and torso (not to mention the quadriceps) are not sufficiently stressed.

In addition, it seriously weakens the knees. The ligaments and tendons of the knees become stronger and thicker if they are stretched over the entire range of motion: only a complete squat produces this effect. There is nothing wrong with making partial movements from time to time as long as you do not abuse them, because nothing beats working at full amplitude to optimize the performance of the efforts made.
Solution: At each squat repetition, go down until your quadriceps are at least parallel to the ground; at the thigh press, bend your legs until they are at an angle slightly less than 90°. If you can't do this, it's because the load is too heavy (in this case, lighten it up) or you lack flexibility or have knee problems: in this case, consult a sports doctor.

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