Wednesday, February 13, 2019

11 things to know about bodybuilding : 7 - Doping: when bodybuilding skids :

11 things to know about bodybuilding : 7 - Doping: when bodybuilding skids
7 - Doping: when bodybuilding skids :
Doping in the field of bodybuilding is not new, it is also what gives the sport a very bad image. Be careful, this does not mean that all practitioners use it!
The main doping products used are steroids and anabolic steroids. For information, a year of taking doping products is equivalent to several years of training, the temptation is very great for some. Checks are made at each competition. Some bodybuilders stop taking the products several months before to "distort" the analyzes.

The two main reasons they are used are the rapid increase in muscle mass and the acceleration of "drying" to remove water faster (with the taking of diuretics) before a contest.
Checks are made at each competition. Some bodybuilders stop taking the products several months before to "distort" the analyzes.
In the extreme, some even inject Synthol (an oil composed of a mixture of fatty acids and lidocaine) to give the illusion of having impressive muscles. However, this substance is very harmful to the body and the body takes several years to completely eliminate it. The bodybuilder using this product at best risk paralysis of the limb in which he has injected, at worst death, since it can seep into the heart or lungs.
👉 8 - What about bodybuilding competitions?

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