Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Bodybuilding Contest Nutrition Outline (Part 1) :

Contest Nutrition Outline

An athlete's regime for attempting to reach body fat percentages below comfortable levels.

There are certain factors that must be considered when designing a contest program, though there isn't one exact protocol that will work for everyone. Each person will respond to the diet and exercise suggestions differently, so you must consider adjustments to reach your goals. The bottom line for everyone is, however, to maintain and energy deficit without losing lean mass, until you reach your goal.

First, determine the appropriate daily caloric intake for yourself. It should be based on the following variables:

1. Body Statistics (height and weight)

2. Current Caloric Intake (prior to beginning contest preparation)

3. Current Level of Training (time and intensity)

4. Current Body Fat Percentage

5. Amount of Time Remaining Prior to the Contest
👉 Bodybuilding Contest Nutrition Outline (Part 2)
Bodybuilding Contest Nutrition Outline (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Contest Nutrition Outline (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Contest Nutrition Outline (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Contest Nutrition Outline (Part 1)
Bodybuilding Contest Nutrition Outline (Part 1)

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