Thursday, May 2, 2019

Female bodybuilding: Why weight training is essential for obtaining that desirable figure which is feminine as well as strong? (Part 2) :

Female bodybuilding: Why weight training is essential for obtaining that desirable figure which is feminine as well as strong? (Part 2) :

So the goal should be to burn fat and add muscles with two different sets of exercise regimen combined together. With this background now we can clear some of the other wrong notions of weight training. Weight training cannot make you bulky because the level of testosterone that you produce in your body for muscle growth is limited to a certain level and it cannot increase any further. Weight training does not have any impact on increasing your chest size as your breasts are composed of fats whereas weight training works on muscles. Some people say that weight training can make you stiff and muscle-bound. This cannot be true in your case as you are combining cardio and weight training exercises which concentrate on your whole body flexibility and therefore the question of getting stiff can be safely ruled out. Also again to reemphasise please remember that if you stop weight training it will not convert your muscles into fats directly. But what can actually happen is that you may add weight and go out of shape because of change in eating habits and a sedentary life style. In this case the body starts producing more fatty tissues again. Also remember that weight training does not convert your fats into muscles. 

Fats are burned because of the cardio exercises that you are doing and muscles are getting added on the existing muscle base because of your weight training. Remember also that female bodybuilding is not only about weight training. It is also about strict diet control and eating healthy food consisting of proteins, carbohydrates, fibres, essential fatty acids, fluids and other nutrients in a balanced way. Further you cannot eat whatever you want just because you are doing exercises. If you eat food without a control then your body adds more calories than it is burns through exercises. Under these circumstances the extra calories gets stored in the body in the form of fats. This is the truth that we must always remember. Finally once again let me reemphasize on the point that combination of cardio and weight training is essential for bringing your whole body into shape. If you only restrict to cardio then it can lead to a situation where you can end up losing the muscle tissue that you already have. Cardio alone cannot give you that feminine and strong look. For that you need to combine cardio with strength training.
Female bodybuilding: Why weight training is essential for obtaining that desirable figure which is feminine as well as strong? (Part 2)
Female bodybuilding: Why weight training is essential for obtaining that desirable figure which is feminine as well as strong? (Part 2)
Female bodybuilding: Why weight training is essential for obtaining that desirable figure which is feminine as well as strong? (Part 2)
Female bodybuilding: Why weight training is essential for obtaining that desirable figure which is feminine as well as strong? (Part 2)
Female bodybuilding: Why weight training is essential for obtaining that desirable figure which is feminine as well as strong? (Part 2)

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