Sunday, July 28, 2019

10 Tips For Guaranteed Weight Loss :

10 Tips For Guaranteed Weight Loss
1. Forget your weight loss goal. Enough has been said about setting goals and then planning to achieve them. But let me tell you something - if you are here reading this then this goal setting has probably done nothing for you. This is because when you set a weight loss goal, it means sticking to a certain routine. And most of us already have so much going on in our lives that it's sometimes impossible to work along that set routine.

2. Why you should keep a realistic approach. When you skip the routine it makes you so depressed you actually feel like you are this big loser who cannot do anything right. That doesn't help now does it? Of course it doesn't! So the first step to successful weight loss - stop thinking about that depressing objective!

3. Set a motivating future objective. Most of us will do nothing for a goal to lose boring 100 pounds, but we will kill to get a pair of those discounted patented lambskins in one size less, or to get into those sexy jeans you bought last Christmas and can't fit into anymore.

4. Get into those jeans. Just take a minute, and imagine yourself in those clothes that are only about a size or two in difference. Visualize how great you look! That is what your new 'goal' is.

5. Love yourself the way you are. No one likes being called 'fat' and 'ugly'. Your body doesn't either!

6. Treat your body well. You have to learn to stop treating it like an unwanted piece of merchandise and begin treating it the way it deserves to be treated - only then will it treat you back the same way.

7. Look at the mirror. Yes, look and reason with your body that you now live in an age of plus sizes.

8. Find the right clothes. There are enough gorgeous clothes out there that can and will accentuate your beauty and hide your little chubby faults. I mean, come on, it's not like you are the only one! Otherwise why would people even make plus size clothes!

9. Get yourself a great new outfit. Most people reserve their shopping for after they have lost the weight. That's utterly ridiculous. Step out of those baggy pants and that preposterous sweat shirt and go get yourself a gorgeous set of clothes and really go out in those new pair of clothes.

10. New clothes, new you. Those clothes represent your new life as someone who understands their body and is on the way to successful weight loss.

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