Friday, August 16, 2019

A Thigh Lift After Weight Loss : Different Types of Thigh Lifts :

A Thigh Lift After Weight Loss : Different Types of Thigh Lifts
↪ A Thigh Lift After Weight Loss : What Thigh Lift Surgery is all About
A Thigh Lift After Weight Loss : Different Types of Thigh Lifts :

There are several different types of thigh lifts that an individual can get. The difference between each of these is the type of incision the surgeon will make to get the job done.

    Vertical Thighplasty: During this procedure, a surgeon will begin their incision at the groin area which extends to the inner side of the knee. A piece of skin is then removed from the inner thigh area which may show visible scarring once healed.
    Inner Thigh Lift: This is the most popular type of thigh life surgeries. This type of surgery is for the inner thigh and is ideal for those who have a moderate amount of excess fat and skin that needs to be removed. The incision is made inside the fold of the groin and then lifts and tightens the skin.

    Outer Thigh Lift: This type of surgery is a type of thigh lift that involves an incision made from around the hip area to the groin.
    Spiral Thighplasty: This is a significantly new thigh lift procedure. This type of thigh lift will reshape the back, front, outer, and inner thigh area. During this procedure the incision is made just below the buttocks and extends to the crease of the groin area. This surgery is typically done on those individuals that need a massive amount of skin and fat removed from this area.

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