Friday, November 1, 2019

Weight loss, Find something that works for you and your lifestyle!

Weight loss, Find something that works for you and your lifestyle!
I have struggled with my weight my entire life. I have been overweight since I can remember. I’ve done all the diets and I even lost 65 lbs on weight watchers, but sadly gained it all back, plus some. Why, you ask? Because I LOVE food.

Recently I decided I had to do something when I got on the scale and it was the heaviest I have ever been, so I began to fast! How I did it, I don’t know but it has worked. 50 lbs down. I don’t go by a plan, but I have only started to eat when I am hungry.

A lot of times I was eating, really all my body needed was a glass of water. It may not work for all, but it did for me and I am so happy. I think my lifestyle has finally changed! 😊😊

My only advice is don’t try to diet, because you will only feel restricted and end up cheating yourself. Find something that works for you and your lifestyle! I fast so I can eat whatever food I want to when I do eat, but maybe you need to eat many small meals a day. Stay positive. You can do it!!

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