Cut down on calories :
The next step to a healthy weight loss for women is to cut down on the amount of food you eat. Cutting down on calories and other junk foods will help you trim down your weight and live a more healthy lifestyle. Some of the foods you should get rid off include:
1. Replacing soft drinks and sodas with water.
2. Swapping whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed.
3. Eating less lunch than usual.
4. Decreasing the intake of sugar in tea and coffee.
5. Having smaller portions of the food you enjoy.
6. Avoiding second helpings at dinner.
7. Cutting out unhealthy treats such as confectionery, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.
8. Cutting down on beer and alcohol.
The next step to a healthy weight loss for women is to cut down on the amount of food you eat. Cutting down on calories and other junk foods will help you trim down your weight and live a more healthy lifestyle. Some of the foods you should get rid off include:
1. Replacing soft drinks and sodas with water.
2. Swapping whole milk for semi-skimmed, or semi-skimmed for skimmed.
3. Eating less lunch than usual.
4. Decreasing the intake of sugar in tea and coffee.
5. Having smaller portions of the food you enjoy.
6. Avoiding second helpings at dinner.
7. Cutting out unhealthy treats such as confectionery, sugary biscuits and crisps between meals.
8. Cutting down on beer and alcohol.
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