Nutritional and body building supplements are of great help for anyone to stay fit and it also supplies you with vital nutrients for your body. However, many professionals and amateurs misuse these supplements to bulk up rapidly. Mainly the anabolic steroids are consumed by the professionals to gain muscle mass in a very short time. These steroids boost your stamina and help you get bigger than a usual bodybuilder. But the side effects of these nutritional supplements are much more than the advantages it has.
It is known, even to a common man, that steroid intake is illegal. The athletes even undergo a drug test before any competition. Just think about your reputation and how you will hamper your health. You can really repent if you use it frequently and not properly.
Whether you are a man or a woman, you cannot hide from the ill effects of such supplements. For a man, the side effects are numerous. The supplements can cause the testicles to shrink. It has also been proved that these supplements reduce the sperm count of a normal man. It develops male breasts, causes frequent hair fall and deepens your throat. Not only men, but females also experience such difficulties. Women may face voice deepening, hair fall and developing facial hair. These steroids can also hamper the growth of teenagers and the effects can even get worse if not properly taken care of. The supplements can really damage the liver and cause jaundice. They can even be responsible to create tumors and furthermore cancer. Your heart can also be affected by its use. It can cause the heart arteries to be stiff and enlarges the heart. It can eventually lead to severe heart attacks as well.
Apart from these severe side effects, there are various other effects that its consumption can result in. You can suffer and experience skin diseases, pimples and spots. You can also undergo mental trauma and unwanted anger that makes you extremely aggressive. It is not doubted that these bodybuilding supplements help you to grow quickly but it is essential to have a decent knowledge about its ill effects as well. It requires a hard training, a good diet and a real hard work and determination to overcome the odds for its ill effects.
It is known, even to a common man, that steroid intake is illegal. The athletes even undergo a drug test before any competition. Just think about your reputation and how you will hamper your health. You can really repent if you use it frequently and not properly.
Whether you are a man or a woman, you cannot hide from the ill effects of such supplements. For a man, the side effects are numerous. The supplements can cause the testicles to shrink. It has also been proved that these supplements reduce the sperm count of a normal man. It develops male breasts, causes frequent hair fall and deepens your throat. Not only men, but females also experience such difficulties. Women may face voice deepening, hair fall and developing facial hair. These steroids can also hamper the growth of teenagers and the effects can even get worse if not properly taken care of. The supplements can really damage the liver and cause jaundice. They can even be responsible to create tumors and furthermore cancer. Your heart can also be affected by its use. It can cause the heart arteries to be stiff and enlarges the heart. It can eventually lead to severe heart attacks as well.
Apart from these severe side effects, there are various other effects that its consumption can result in. You can suffer and experience skin diseases, pimples and spots. You can also undergo mental trauma and unwanted anger that makes you extremely aggressive. It is not doubted that these bodybuilding supplements help you to grow quickly but it is essential to have a decent knowledge about its ill effects as well. It requires a hard training, a good diet and a real hard work and determination to overcome the odds for its ill effects.
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