Thursday, April 30, 2020

How many of you are currently beating yourself up for gaining weight during quarantine?

How many of you are currently beating yourself up for gaining weight during quarantine?
First of all, stop! 🛑 Weight gain in times of uncertainty is completely normal and you need to stop beating yourself up about it right now! Secondly, it might feel like the end of the world to you at this moment, but I promise you it’s not. Regardless if it’s up or down, your weight does not define your worth!

As I mentioned in my last post, I let my emotions rule my food choices in this last month and that is showing on the scale (and on my Shakira hips 💃🏼). I am just as guilty as everyone else about being hard on myself about it, but I also try to remind myself that a number on the scale was never my ultimate goal. Health was and is my ultimate goal, and I’m still healthy despite packing on a few lbs! It also helps to look at the bigger picture and how far I’ve still come from that nervous but determined Stacy on the left.

Do I want to lose the weight I’ve regained? Yep, I feel most comfortable at a lower weight and when I’m not letting my emotions control my actions. The cool thing is I know I can do it because I’ve done it before!

If you’re in the same boat as me, please make sure you step back and look at the bigger picture. Be proud of yourself at every size and every part of your journey!

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