Wednesday, June 24, 2020

10 week progress, many inches lost :

10 week progress, many inches lost
10 week progress, many inches lost, but only a 3-pound difference. 228lbs to 225lbs. I love that because it just goes to show that you can't focus just on the scale for progress! Take pictures, measure your body, and lift! My nutrition has been pretty much eating everything in moderation, drinking a gallon of water a day at least, and working out 1.5-2hrs a day, 4-5x/week. 

I did have a glass of wine here and there, but definitely not every day or even every week. I've been doing a lot of powerlifting and Hiit training with 60-80% of my max weight for the heavier lifts so that I can go heavy(ish) but still get higher reps. I will be going into max weights soon for the rest of my powerlifting training.
Can't wait to see what my body looks like in the next three months. (Oh and I've ran three times only in the last 10 weeks 😂)

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