Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Some Beneficial Features of Bodyweight Training:

There is a question about bodyweight training that sometimes creates an agitation or conflict within the psyches of exercise aficionados. They think they have to do either weight training or bodyweight training as if each is a religion unto itself. They are not belief systems.

I personally do both weight training and bodyweight training. The weight training enables me to better push and pull and move around weighty objects. The bodyweight training makes me more efficient in moving and pulling and pushing my own body around.

Some Beneficial Features of Bodyweight Training:

1) Different types of flexibility exercises.

2) Pretend you're in boot camp.

3) The only equipment is your body-you have no reason to not train.

4) Mountain climbers, crab walking, alligator walking are missing link between strength and cardio.

5) Beginners can do half squats, "knee" push-ups and arm hangs.

6) Increase the difficulty with one armed, one legged exercises, handstand pushups.

7) Core fitness to continue on with other training disciplines.

8) The world is your gym.
Some Beneficial Features of Bodyweight Training
Some Beneficial Features of Bodyweight Training
Some Beneficial Features of Bodyweight Training
Some Beneficial Features of Bodyweight Training
Some Beneficial Features of Bodyweight Training

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