👉 Gender Discrimination in Body Building (Part 1)
Gender Discrimination in Body Building (Part 2) :
The other claim dominating modern criticism of discrimination in body
building is surprisingly the money. The money granted, generated and
expended to sponsor body building careers, has become very strained. The
world economy doesn't favor body building right now. A recent forum for
female body builders in the US ended on a high note after holding a
press conference too state their stand. In the press conference, their
spokesperson said that there is limited sponsorship for women body
Yet for those few who benefit, little is given in
reward. Female body builders are being given prize money sums that are
only a quarter or even less of the sums given to the male body builders.
To show the truth of their claim, the spokesperson quoted the 2005
Olympia where men competed for the prize of $550,000 in total, while
women had to compete for only a total of $71,000.
The objective status review of body building will truly reveal, as discussed above, that there is gender discrimination annexed right in the heart of the industry and the blunt of it is borne by women body builders and perpetrated by the males. That is the truth. Simple.
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