Monday, March 15, 2021

Fat Loss Training for Women (Part 1) :

Here's a faster way to burn the inches from your body.

And the answer will shock you.

I train a lot of men and women who do the same workouts - and here's the shocker: Most of the time, the women get the best results by using interval training and superset strength training.


Because most women are doing such ineffective workouts right now, that they are getting no results. Cardio is boring. And possibly doesn't even work. But when they switch to intervals and resistance training, their bodies get lean fast and they lose inches fast!

However, I also sometimes will change the program for women in order - we might reduce the number of sets per exercise or we use body weight exercises in place of dumbbell exercises.

And the reasoning here is this. To "bulk up", bodybuilders need to do a lot of volume (a lot of sets and reps) - and they have to eat a lot, which obviously people aren't going to be focusing on if they want to lose body fat.

Women who want to burn inches from their things are not going to be pigging out. They're going to be eating what they're supposed to.

But back to training. In my Turbulence Training programs we don't have body builder type volume in the first place. So most women, like I said, just train normally on Turbulence Training and don't change it at all - and they lose fat and do NOT bulk up.

However, I sometimes change the program only for a woman's mindset purpose as opposed to an actual physical purpose. Instead of doing three sets per exercise, we'll just do one or maybe two sets per exercise. That way it just decreases the amount of volume and reduces the chance of gaining muscle. So that's the biggest change that I'll make for women.

👉 Fat Loss Training for Women (Part 2)

Fat Loss Training for Women (Part 1) Fat Loss Training for Women (Part 1) Fat Loss Training for Women (Part 1) Fat Loss Training for Women (Part 1) Fat Loss Training for Women (Part 1)

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