Thursday, November 25, 2021

Build Muscle Up, The 3 Steps That'll Help Make Your Goals Easy to Achieve :

Building body mass is not only the goal of every bodybuilder but also of thousands of thin men and women out there who want to add strength to their thin frame. However, the way to ultimately reach this goal will be different for everyone as we all have different body types with differing metabolisms, strengths, weaknesses, injury concerns, etc. Any program employed needs to be tailored to the specific individual. However, there are basic weight lifting principles common for everyone and in this article we will discuss these concepts for quick muscle gain.

Make a specific plan and then challenge yourself to meet your goals.
Be as specific as possible with your goals, too. Want to put on 15 lbs of solid muscle? Write it down and post it where you can constantly see it. Purchase a body fat caliper and record the measurements each and every week on the same day at the same time, for instance, Sunday mornings immediately after waking up. Be meticulous with all record keeping. A good motivational tool to build muscle up is to take a photo of yourself each week on the same day at the same time. You'll find that your body's changes will happen gradually and that you won't notice how much bigger you're getting on a day-to-day basis. However, if you take a photo of yourself in the bathroom mirror each week, you can go back and see the difference between the "week 5" and "week 1" photos. The changes you'll see will surely keep you motivated! Just be sure to pose the same way in each photo.

Mass train. The most important and fundamental way of building body mass is to lift heavy weights with low reps (this is called mass training). That is not to say lighter weights with more reps aren't beneficial, but in this case the benefit is targeted more towards improving muscle tone and definition. This is how you "sculpt" your body. For quick muscle gain and to build muscle up properly, you must mass train.

Consistently expand your program. Always try and increase your workload with each trip to the gym. Maybe you benched 150 lbs 10 times last week. Try doing 160 this week. When you mass train you are quite literally "shocking" your body into growth. You always want to be doing that. If you were to stop at a certain weight (say 160 lbs) then you're body would adjust accordingly and muscle gain would slow -- and eventually stop. You need to be constantly re-arranging your workout to keep your body from adapting.

These steps have laid out the basics in how to achieve quick muscle gain. It may seem somewhat elementary, but they can certainly be applied with benefit to weight trainers at any skill level.

Build Muscle Up, The 3 Steps That'll Help Make Your Goals Easy to Achieve Build Muscle Up, The 3 Steps That'll Help Make Your Goals Easy to Achieve Build Muscle Up, The 3 Steps That'll Help Make Your Goals Easy to Achieve Build Muscle Up, The 3 Steps That'll Help Make Your Goals Easy to Achieve Build Muscle Up, The 3 Steps That'll Help Make Your Goals Easy to Achieve Build Muscle Up, The 3 Steps That'll Help Make Your Goals Easy to Achieve

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