Thursday, January 17, 2019

Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 1) :

Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 1)
👉 Training tips for a wider back : Training tips (Part 4)
Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 1) :
The work of the dorsal muscles remains incomplete if it does not include a rowing movement to thicken the middle of the back. Bent bust rowing, one-armed rowing and ground lifting are excellent exercises but also do not neglect the lumbar vertebrae and trapezius.

To minimize the strain on the biceps in back training, imagine that your arms act as hooks rather than actively participating in the movement. Although we cannot prevent them from coming into play, we can try to minimize their interventions.
👉 Training tips for a wider back : How to complete your back session (Part 1)

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